Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Moisture-free zone!

Okay, now that I'm no longer covered up under hair that is not mine, I've realized my own strands are thirsty!  My regime is fairly simple in the morning:

*co-wash with a moisturizing conditioner
*apply some sort of leave-in
*apply some sort of moisturizing agent
*seal it with a bit of oil

Then it's off to work I go.  My total time for shower, hair and face is now about 30 minutes, the other 30 minutes is spent in my closet trying to figure out what on earth to wear that day.  My issue is dryness during my work day.  What should I do?  I have had several recommendations to take a small spritz bottle to work with me and spritz my hair a couple times at the office....I haven't gotten around to doing that yet.  I have a couple spritz bottles at home but never think to take them to the office.

I have a natural girlfriend who swears by glycerin/water mix.  I tried the glycerin route once but it didn't really work for me.  Then again, it was winter time when I tried it and have since found out when it's cold and dry outside is not the best time to use a humectant.  Since it feels a whole lot like summer outside lately, perhaps I'll try the glycerin mix again.  I think I'll whip me up a batch today and see if I like the results.

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